Builda — Month In Review

DeFi Dude
4 min readJul 12, 2023

It’s been an action packed month since Builda launched last month, so we figured it’d be a good time to unpack some of what we saw, and go over some of the high points. We’ll also share a little bit about the inspiration of Builda and where we’re headed.


If you aren’t already familiar with Builda, it’s a discovery platform for early adopters like you to always discover new and lively projects in Web3, as well as vote for the ones you support. For builders and teams alike, it’s a way for you to show off your work to the world — get extra eyes on the creations you’ve built, validate your ideas with a vibrant community, and keep your existing growing community up to date.

We love Crypto Twitter just as much as the next, but sometimes it can be difficult to discover new projects with the flood of memes and jokes, which also drowns out the projects who are looking to get some feedback or traction on what they’re building. Not to mention, projects that don’t have a token, rumored airdrop, or “influencers” working with them have an even harder time gaining social traction.

Those are some of the reasons we built Builda! ✨


With anyone being able to vote on the weekly batch of projects, we’ve had some great weekly leaders— here’s a brief summary of the top 3:

Week 1:

🥇 Everbloom — Invest in Creators

🥈 Draftly — Rewarding Fans for Being Fans

🥉 ChainDrop — Multichain Faucet

Week 2:

🥇 Altitude — Asset Bridge, Powered by LayerZero

🥈 Faye — Web3 Customer Support Helpdesk, Powered by AI

🥉 Peachee — Enabling Better Trading with Smart Swaps

Week 3:

🥇 WOM Protocol —Protocol Replacing Ads For Creators

🥈 Chainstack — Web3 Infrastructure for Builders

🥉 LI.FI — Powers Any Cross-chain Strategy

Week 4:

🥇 Otherstate — Launch, Pitch, Market, and Communicate Any Project

🥈 DeFi Returns — Visualize and Compare Historical Returns in DeFi

🥉 Lensbird — First Hyper-Casual Game for DeSo Users on Lens

Some other notable mentions over those weeks were ShapeShift, sudoswap, Earnifi, and Paladin — as well as the several dozen other projects you can check out by going to Builda if you haven’t already.

NFT Results

For the first week of our launch, we dropped an open edition free NFT on Manifold, with a total of 1,463 wallets minting their very own.

If you were one of the 1,400, you’re definitely early, and an OG supporter! While we have no specific plans for the NFT right now and it is merely just a celebration NFT, we still love all of our supporters and are excited to bring them with us every step of the way!

Builda Spaces

If you haven’t been following Builda closely, that’s okay, but we do run a Twitter Space every Monday at 5pm UTC — they usually run an hour and we get to talk with some of the awesome builders from the previous week, see what they’re building, what brought them to Web3, and more.

So far we’ve hosted four spaces with over 800 tuning in all together — and hearing from over 15 various builders and speakers!

Find the recordings here, and join us next week: Week 1, Week 2, Week 3, & Week 4.

EthCC & Web3TalentFair

Catch us at both EthCC and Web3TalentFair this month — come say hi and introduce yourself when you spot us!

And, if you’re sticking around a bit later, definitely join us at the Web3TalentFair happening July 22nd, which you can grab free tickets to (normally they’re €20) by using the promo code: BUILDA100


While we continue to list a new batch of projects every single week for your enjoyment, we aren’t just stopping there. We’ve got lots of plans in the works to make Builda into a more fully-fledged platform for both early adopters and builders alike.

While we don’t have a lot to share publicly just yet, we still want to hear your opinions and feedback on the current version of Builda and any ideas you may have, regardless of how small or big, positive or negative they may be — so please head over to some of our socials and get in touch!

🔗 — WebsiteTwitterTelegramDiscord

